When it comes to processing customer payments for your business, these are the three top factors that our customers are focused on:

Cost is aFactor
There are three underlying structures that play a role in the cost of card acceptance.
Processor, Interchange and Association Fees.
In the world of B2B and Card Not Present/eCommerce payments, interchange overwhelmingly represents the greatest of the three costs.
With hundreds of published interchange rates, data requirements, and twice-annual revisions, you can count on our team for insight and expertise on how to increase your profitability through best rate qualifications, including Level 2/3 Data Rates.

Cardholder Data Security
PCI Compliance is a requirement for all merchants who accept credit card payments. For our customers who accept payment where the card is not present, ensuring the security of customer’s payment data is imperative.
Talk to one of our partners today about your processing environment and solutions that can help you reduce your PCI Compliance Scope and liability.
We have hundreds of stand-alone, and API driven PCI Compliant solutions, including tokenization of card data so that you can safely store card data for future purchases.
And, we offer a simplified, web hosted platform to complete your annual PCI Questionnaires, and schedule/manage quarterly network vulnerability scans for your processing environment.

Who WeWorkWith
One Time Payment and Recurring Billing Solutions for :
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